Kero Kero Bonito

Kero Kero Bonito




Kero Kero Bonito是一支来自英国伦敦的乐队。由主唱Sarah Midori Perry,制片人Gus Lobban和制片人Jamie Bulled组成。 他们的名字来源于青蛙呱呱和一种鱼的日语拟声词。

三人于2013年在互联网论坛上相遇; 歌手莎拉出生于名古屋,一位日本母亲和英国父亲,

Kero Kero Bonito是一支来自英国伦敦的乐队。由主唱Sarah Midori Perry,制片人Gus Lobban和制片人Jamie Bulled组成。 他们的名字来源于青蛙呱呱和一种鱼的日语拟声词。

三人于2013年在互联网论坛上相遇; 歌手莎拉出生于名古屋,一位日本母亲和英国父亲,在13岁时移居英国凯尼尔沃思,而制作人古斯和杰米自从上学以来就是朋友。

他们发行了一个mixtape(Intro Bonito,2014),两张专辑(Bonito Generation,2016和Time'n'Place,2018)和单曲,包括“Flamingo”,“Trampoline”和“Only Acting”。 无论是探索摇滚,实验还是电子音乐,他们的任务都是挑战流行音乐的整合。

Kero Kero Bonito are a band from London, England.consisted by vocalist Sarah Midori Perry, producer Gus Lobban and producer Jamie Bulled. Their name is derived from the Japanese onomatopoeic words for frog croaks and a type of fish.

The trio met on an internet forum in 2013; singer Sarah was born in Nagoya to a Japanese mother and British father, before moving to Kenilworth, UK at the age of 13, while producers Gus and Jamie have been friends since school.

They've released a mixtape (Intro Bonito, 2014), two albums (Bonito Generation, 2016 and Time 'n' Place, 2018) and singles including "Flamingo", "Trampoline" and "Only Acting". Whether exploring rock, experimental or electronic music, their mission is to challenge conformity in pop.

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