Kaki King

Kaki King



经纪公司:Velour recordings

Kaki King,出生在亚特兰大,现居住在纽约.4岁被身为律师的爸爸发现其身上的音乐天赋,并开始学习吉他的演奏,9岁的时候学习鼓并且在高中的时候,担任了乐队的鼓手.在成长过程中受到Nick Drake, Elliot Smith ,Red House Painters等的影响,并逐渐形成弹拨吉他与

Kaki King,出生在亚特兰大,现居住在纽约.4岁被身为律师的爸爸发现其身上的音乐天赋,并开始学习吉他的演奏,9岁的时候学习鼓并且在高中的时候,担任了乐队的鼓手.在成长过程中受到Nick Drake, Elliot Smith ,Red House Painters等的影响,并逐渐形成弹拨吉他与敲击吉他制造鼓的效果相结合的音乐演奏风格.2003年,Kaki King发行了自己的首张专集Everybody Loves You,并取得广泛的关注,04年又发行了第2张专集Legs To Make Us Longer,并继续取得成功,使之能与诸多大牌明星合作.

Kaki King (b. Katherine Elizabeth King, August 24, 1979 in Atlanta, Georgia) is an American guitarist and composer. King is known for her percussive and jazz-tinged melodies, energetic live shows, use of multiple tunings on acoustic and lap steel guitar, and her diverse range in different genres.

In February 2006, Rolling Stone released a list of "The New Guitar Gods," on which King was the sole woman and youngest artist (beating Derek Trucks in age by two months as the youngest on the list). In addition to a 10-year career that includes five LP and two EP albums, King has also scored music for television and film. She worked alongside Eddie Vedder and Michael Brook contributing music for the soundtrack to Sean Penn's Into the Wild, for which the trio received nominations for a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.