Ugly Kid Joe

Ugly Kid Joe




Ugly Kid Joe是一个来自加州Isla Vista的硬摇滚乐队,乐队名字来自队中一位帅哥的外号。他们成名于90年代初,因为satire and hard而声名大噪。 Ugly Kid Joe仅仅享受了两次短暂的荣耀,可以说他们的成绩属于昙花一现那种类型。通过专辑《As Ugly as The

Ugly Kid Joe是一个来自加州Isla Vista的硬摇滚乐队,乐队名字来自队中一位帅哥的外号。他们成名于90年代初,因为satire and hard而声名大噪。 Ugly Kid Joe仅仅享受了两次短暂的荣耀,可以说他们的成绩属于昙花一现那种类型。通过专辑《As Ugly as They Wanna Be》和《America s Least Wanted》,Ugly Kid Joe向世人展示了他们精力充溢的Funk Metal。

Ugly Kid Joe is an American hard rock band from Isla Vista, California. The band's name spoofs that of another band, Pretty Boy Floyd. Ugly Kid Joe's sound includes a range of styles, including rock, glam metal, hard rock and heavy metal.

After releasing three full-length albums and touring extensively throughout the 1990s, Ugly Kid Joe disbanded in 1997, and later reformed in mid-2010. They also plan to release an EP sometime in 2011-2012.

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