Scott Joplin

Scott Joplin



经纪公司:华纳唱片公司(Warner Music)

Scott Joplin是美国著名的作曲家和钢琴家,也是历史上不多见的黑人音乐家。Scott Joplin出生于1868年,逝世于1917年。从1899年Scott Joplin创作了Maple Leaf Rag到一战的开始,Ragtime在此期间一直是美国流行乐的主要潮流。Ragtime在美国标准

Scott Joplin是美国著名的作曲家和钢琴家,也是历史上不多见的黑人音乐家。Scott Joplin出生于1868年,逝世于1917年。从1899年Scott Joplin创作了Maple Leaf Rag到一战的开始,Ragtime在此期间一直是美国流行乐的主要潮流。Ragtime在美国标准的进行曲乐队和早期的爵士乐钢琴家Jelly Roll Morton和James Y. Johnson之间架设了一道桥梁,在那时Ragtime真的十分流行,以至于几乎没有Ragtime的歌曲也想和Ragtime扯上关系。

Scott Joplin (c. 1867 – April 1, 1917) was an American composer and pianist. He achieved fame for his unique ragtime compositions, and was dubbed the "King of Ragtime." During his brief career, Joplin wrote 44 original ragtime pieces, one ragtime ballet, and two operas. One of his first pieces, the "Maple Leaf Rag", became ragtime's first and most influential hit, and has been recognized as the archetypal rag.

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