Howard Shore

Howard Shore




Howard Leslie Shore (born October 18, 1946) is a Canadian composer, notable for his film scores. He has composed the scores for over 80 films, most no

Howard Leslie Shore (born October 18, 1946) is a Canadian composer, notable for his film scores. He has composed the scores for over 80 films, most notably the scores for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, for which he won three Academy Awards. He is also a consistent collaborator with director David Cronenberg, having scored all but one of his films since 1979. Shore has also worked with Martin Scorsese, Jonathan Demme, David Fincher and many other filmmakers.

He has also composed a few concert works including one opera, The Fly, based on the plot (though not his score) of Cronenberg's 1986 film premiered at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris on 2 July 2008.,[1] a short piece Fanfare for the Wanamaker Organ and the Philadelphia Orchestra, and a short overture for the Swiss 21st Century Symphony Orchestra.

Shore is a three-time winner of the Academy Award, and has also won two Golden Globe Awards and four Grammy Awards. He is the uncle of film composer Ryan Shore. 霍华德·肖,Howard Leslie Shore,1946年10月18日,加拿大作曲家、指挥家、音乐制作人,学院奖、金环球奖、格莱美奖得主。作品有电影《指环王》( The Lord of the Rings )的配乐等。

 霍华德·肖(Howard Shore)一直以来都是好莱坞最出色的电影音乐家之一,我们不难在电影中感受到他的音乐所产生的独特张力,但以前我们很难在唱片上感受到他的出色,因为他长期为恐怖片或心理惊悚片配乐,很难有机会发行一张动听大卖的电影原声带。霍华德·肖在大多数乐迷心目中,曾经是一个描写阴森景致与变态情境的高手,不过,《魔戒》系列电影的出现让霍华德·肖成功的扭转了乐迷对他的印象。

 给霍华德·肖带来生平第一座奥斯卡奖的是《魔戒首部曲》的配乐。擅长惊险题材的霍华德 肖以情感澎湃,又敏感地表现出身心交瘁感的音乐将这部史诗影片成功地烘托了影片的魔幻氛围,也使自己一夜之间载誉而归。这是霍华德 肖从事电影音乐创作22年以来,首次获得奥斯卡提名,并且奇迹般地从约翰·威廉姆斯(提名作品《人工智能》、《哈利波特与魔法石》)、詹姆斯·霍纳(提名作品《美丽心灵》)手中夺得桂冠。这部作品同时掳获美国广播影评人学会、洛杉矶/芝加哥/拉斯维加斯影评人学会最佳原着音乐奖,也得到金球奖、英国影艺学院、美国电影学院AFI的电影音乐项目提名。


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