Herbert von Karajan

Herbert von Karajan




Herbert Von Karajan 1908年4月5日出生于萨尔斯堡,是一位奥地利指挥家、键盘乐器演奏家和导演。萨尔斯堡曾经诞生过世界上最伟大的天才作曲家莫扎特。Herbert Von Karajan的家庭原籍是希腊。自他的祖辈移居到奥地利以后,这个家族就不断地出现着名的人物,由于祖上的功名很多

Herbert Von Karajan 1908年4月5日出生于萨尔斯堡,是一位奥地利指挥家、键盘乐器演奏家和导演。萨尔斯堡曾经诞生过世界上最伟大的天才作曲家莫扎特。Herbert Von Karajan的家庭原籍是希腊。自他的祖辈移居到奥地利以后,这个家族就不断地出现着名的人物,由于祖上的功名很多,先后有两名成员被当时的奥皇封为男爵,所以他的家庭一直是属于贵族家庭。他从四岁开始学习钢琴,八岁时就已经举行了公开演奏会,由于才华和技艺的出众,他曾被当时的舆论界公认为是未来最有前途的钢琴演奏家。

他在指挥舞台上活跃70年。他带领过欧洲众多顶尖的乐团,并且曾和柏林爱乐乐团有过长达34年的合作关系。他热衷于录音和导演,为后人留下了大量的音像资料(到1988年为止他发行超过1亿张唱片约700款录音),包括众多的管弦乐、歌剧录音和歌剧电影,涵括从巴洛克到后浪漫主义欧洲作曲家的作品。其中一些作品,如贝多芬的交响曲还被多次录制。Herbert Von Karajan在音乐界享有盛誉,甚至在中文领域被人称为“指挥帝王”。

Herbert von Karajan (German pronunciation: [ˈhɛɐbɛɐt fɔn ˈkaʁaˌjan]; 5 April 1908 – 16 July 1989) was an Austrian orchestra and opera conductor. To the wider world he was perhaps most famously associated with the Berlin Philharmonic of which he was principal conductor for 35 years. Although he was not without criticism, he is generally considered to have been one of the greatest conductors of all time, and he was a dominant figure in European classical music from the 1960s until his death.[1] Part of the reason for this was the large number of recordings he made and their prominence during his lifetime. By one estimate he was the top-selling classical music recording artist of all time, having sold an estimated 200 million records.

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