Release The Stars

Release The Stars


歌手:Rufus Wainwright



Release The Stars is Rufus Wainwright s fifth studio album to be released on May 15, 2007. "Going to a Town" was released on April 3, 2007 on the iTun

Release The Stars is Rufus Wainwright s fifth studio album to be released on May 15, 2007. "Going to a Town" was released on April 3, 2007 on the iTunes music store and quickly became one of Wainwright s best selling tracks online.The album introduces a new collection by Wainwright whom New Music Express hails as "the best songwriter of his generation." In an effort to continue creating pieces that the Los Angeles Times calls "demanding and artful," the album features 12 songs that touch on personal, political, and social issues. This is Wainwright s fifth studio album and his first self-produced effort.备受世人激赏的天才唱作诗人释放脑内星光才气纵横新作继赢得盛赞的“Want双碟计划”之后 2007年最值得期待的作品特邀Pet Shop Boys团员Neil Tennant担任执行制作 巧揉古典/民谣/摇滚/剧场式音乐的独特风格 俯拾皆是惊喜与巧思饶富诗意与浮现故事画面的歌词,巧揉古典、民谣、摇滚、剧场式音乐的独特风格,Rufus相衬的温润嗓音穿梭自如,让第五张专辑【Release The Stars】俯拾皆是惊喜与巧思。全辑由他亲自制作,特邀Pet Shop Boys团员Neil Tennant担任执行制作,混音部份则商请金牌制作Marius de Vries(碧玉、玛丹娜、大卫鲍依)与老手Andy Bradfield(乔许葛洛班、可儿家族)操刀。有姊姊Martha出任和音的首支抒情单曲"Going To A Town",以较低音的唱腔与简单钢琴伴奏轻启愁绪,直指核心道出对美国现状的忧虑;剧场式风格十足的开场曲"Do I Disappoint You"以大型管弦乐编制缤纷呈现;曲风稍跳的"Between My Legs"间奏时添入口白,近尾声还创意巧弄“歌剧魅影”桥段作结。这张新专辑肯定是2007年最值得期待的作品!