





全球最受欢迎的演奏大师雅尼,耗时四年,集结三十年音乐生涯精华之作。- 雅尼、多明哥共同企划联演,将雅尼作品填上歌词,最优美的旋律,最动人的歌,赋予全新面貌。- 超级声乐巨星阵容坚强,包括弗莱明、男高音维多里欧、普莱蒂‧颜妲、费亚松…等一场顶级音乐飨宴。生涯唱片发行在全球各地地赢得超过四十张白金唱片与

全球最受欢迎的演奏大师雅尼,耗时四年,集结三十年音乐生涯精华之作。- 雅尼、多明哥共同企划联演,将雅尼作品填上歌词,最优美的旋律,最动人的歌,赋予全新面貌。- 超级声乐巨星阵容坚强,包括弗莱明、男高音维多里欧、普莱蒂‧颜妲、费亚松…等一场顶级音乐飨宴。生涯唱片发行在全球各地地赢得超过四十张白金唱片与金唱片,雅尼(YANNI)以独树一格、馀音绕樑三日不绝于耳的动人旋律,成为国际知名的作曲家。如今,音乐横跨各类型的雅尼,受欢迎程度与日俱增。最新专辑「INSPRIATO」力邀名列歌剧殿堂巨星级男高音多明哥(Plácido Domingo)跨刀助阵,歌词特邀小多明哥(Plácido Domingo Jr)、纳森‧帕榭可(Nathan Pacheco)鼎力相助填写,持续畅销佳绩势必更上层楼。这张专辑的企划,是雅尼、多明哥与葛莱美奖制作人Ric Wake集思广益的心血结晶,吸引歌剧界顶尖巨星共襄盛举:享有「全美最爱女高音」美誉的弗莱明(Renée Fleming),除了是纽约大都会歌剧院的首席女伶,最近还受邀在2014年美式足球超级盃献唱美国国歌,估计超过1亿观众同步现场收看。义大利男高音:维多里欧(Vittorio Grigòlo)最近刚刚在伦敦皇家剧院完成一场轰动的首演,「多明哥接班人」墨西哥男高音:费亚松(Rolando Villazón)也在专辑中献声。阵容坚强的美声群星,不止于此!与多明哥合作密切的威尔斯次女高音:凯瑟琳‧詹金斯(Katherine Jenkins)、全英最畅销的古典男声:罗素‧华生(Russell Watson)、小多明哥、美国歌手/作曲家:纳森‧帕榭可,齐来共襄盛举。鼎力相助的还包括冉冉上昇的明日歌剧之星:南非籍的女高音普莱蒂‧颜妲(Pretty Yende),她是2011年多明哥歌剧演唱大赛的首奖得主;而蜜凯拉‧奥丝特(Micaëla Oeste)则是多明哥在华盛顿国家剧院力捧的年轻新星;此外,雅尼最爱的惊艳美声:罗兰‧亚莲柯维契(Lauren Jelencovich)也加入表演阵容。雅尼的音乐,广泛受到各界欢迎,他的演出足迹,遍及40个国家。最引人瞩目的,是他曾经在许多知名的地标举办音乐会,包括:泰姬玛哈陵、雅典卫城、克里姆林宫、中国的紫禁城等。这位无师自通的钢琴家与作曲家,一直以来都不将他的作品填上歌词,如今这张巨星齐唱的专辑,打破了以往的旧思维,由雅尼亲选了三十几年来最畅销的经典作品,包括:《Tribute》,《End Of August》,《Adagio in C minor》等,重新填词编曲,赋予作品全新面貌,成功展现了雅尼作品的另一番诠释风格,现在即刻来感受雅尼为乐迷带来的琴与声的悸动。 The beautiful instrumental melodies of internationally renowned composer YANNI have gained him over 40 platinum and gold albums throughout the world. Now his popularity looks set to cross even more borders. Working in partnership with the legendary operatic superstar Placido Domingo and Ric Wake, YANNI has assembled a stellar line-up of the greatest singers to perform on his new album, INSPIRATO, available April 29th on Sony Music Masterworks. His timeless compositions have been transformed by the addition of lyrics and tell the story of the loves of YANNI's life.YANNI collaborated with Placido Domingo and Ric Wake to pair YANNI's music with the perfect voice for each song. This project took 4 years to complete and over 30 years to compose the music that inspired it. This is a one of a kind album, there has never been another album like this and there will never be another album like this.YANNI's music has crossed all cultural borders and has been performed all over the world in more than 40 different countries. He is particularly known for his spectacular concerts at famous landmarks such as the Taj Mahal, the Acropolis, the Kremlin, and China's Forbidden City. Until recently the self-taught composer and pianist has avoided using words with his melodies, but now felt compelled to explore this exciting new direction. In this project, he has used some of his most successful hits from a career spanning more than thirty years, including 'Tribute', 'End Of August' and 'Adagio in C minor'.Each song has a deeply personal story behind it. 'Ode alla Grecia' (which was formerly the instrumental 'End of August') was composed when YANNI was at home in Greece, watching all the tourists departing at the end of summer. As he stared at the ocean, he reflected on his love for his homeland, and felt how bittersweet it was to leave to return to his career in the USA. When Domingo and his son heard this track, they knew immediately what story the lyrics would have to tell.Another fascinating tale lies behind the wordless song 'Ode A L'Humanite, based on YANNI's version of the 'Flower Duet' from Delibes' opera 'Lakme'. When the South African youngster Pretty Yende heard this on a television advertisement for British Airways, it sparked her love of the sound of the operatic voice, so much so, that it fired her with a desire to become an opera singer herself. Having overcome enormous hurdles, she is now one of the brightest new stars in the opera world, and has appeared in major roles at La Scala and the Metropolitan Opera - and all thanks to inspiration from YANNI. Each of the songs has a similar story. Pretty's recording of this song that inspired her career path will touch your heart.