Human Again

Human Again


歌手:Ingrid Michaelson


发行公司:Cabin 24 Records

2012年,Michaelson推出了她的第五张专辑,《Human Again》。《Human Again》专辑在Billboard排行榜上挤近前五,各方好评如潮,批评家亦赞扬专辑里Michaelson独特的声音。Michaelson为该专辑策划的第一轮巡回演唱会,“ The Human Again

2012年,Michaelson推出了她的第五张专辑,《Human Again》。《Human Again》专辑在Billboard排行榜上挤近前五,各方好评如潮,批评家亦赞扬专辑里Michaelson独特的声音。Michaelson为该专辑策划的第一轮巡回演唱会,“ The Human Again Tour”,票在每场演唱会之前都被抢光。之后,Michaelson又举办了三场巡回演唱会,其中两个在北美,一个巡回全世界。第一场巡演于四月份到五月份。第二场“The Human Again Summer Tour”,在6月至8月举行。第三站“The Human Again Fall Tour”,将在9月开始。Michaelson也将在澳大利亚举办三场演出,以此纪念在此,《Human Again》这张专辑迎来新生。

Sometimes stars emerge. Sometimes stars are thrust upon us. And sometimes stars simply slip into the atmosphere as if propelled by something otherworldly. It is into this last category that the astonishing presence, voice, look and feel of Lana Del Rey falls. Musical stardom is not an option with Ms Del Rey. It is her vocation. She calls herself the `gangsta Nancy Sinatra' and defines her genre as `Hollywood pop/ sadcore', a dramatic new loop for pop music.