神话 山海经 上古传说(完全原创民族交响 史诗巨著)

神话 山海经 上古传说(完全原创民族交响 史诗巨著)







The Myths of China



Timeless Tales from the Shan Hai Jing


万八千岁天地开辟群峰之巅 倾泻而下的遒劲山风 撞响惊心动魄声震寰宇

鼓声雷雷 琵琶声声 如闪电奔逐竞走 唢呐脆利直冲云霄九天



The Myths of China



Timeless Tales from the Shan Hai Jing


万八千岁天地开辟群峰之巅 倾泻而下的遒劲山风 撞响惊心动魄声震寰宇

鼓声雷雷 琵琶声声 如闪电奔逐竞走 唢呐脆利直冲云霄九天

以雄浑如铁的气势撰写华夏远古传奇 苏醒创世纪雄浑狂放的万古情怀

写就天地间巍峨壮丽的精神颂诗 立下诠释民族气节与理想的旷世名篇

In the beginning of time, the heavens and earth split open, all yang energy collected to form the sky, and yin energy to form the ground.

The drums thunder, the pipas soar, the crisp horns crackle like lightning, their presence made known from afar.

Ages long since forgotten begin to reawaken.

A song of heaven and earth rises like a lofty mountain.

Words proclaiming the hopes and ideals of mankind are written as if in stone.



开天 祖先撼地而起的第一声嘶吼被雁阵衔走

辟地 混沌在斧刃间的强光与炙热中浮沉明灭





录音大师张小安倾心倾力耗时数月录制 呈现中国魔幻音乐史诗巨作

浩渺乐音终将上古传说狂想复活 奏响历史的辉煌

完美奉上远古时空的旷世力作以山崩地裂之势 震撼古今

The heavens are rent, and a roar of primal energy fills the air.

The earth cracks open, as the god-man’s axe shimmers then sinks deep and disappears.

More than six years in the making, Rhymoi producer Ye Yunchuan joins with NetEase CEO William Ding to present an extraordinary project, reaching back to the very origins of Chinese civilization.

An epic fantasy-filled score by gifted young composer Zhang Zhao.

Featuring stunning performances by over 100 Chinese and Western musicians.

Master sound engineer Zhang Xiao’an personally oversaw the months of recording to insure the most vivid sound possible!

Post-production by Grammy-winning engineers from the US, collaborate with China’s finest musicians to create an epic sound like no other.

An epic celebration of a great civilization’s music and culture, vividly presented in an ever-changing series of musical tableau immerse you into a world of wonder and magic.













The heavens are rent, and a roar of primal energy fills the air.

The earth cracks open, as the god-man’s axe shimmers then sinks deep and disappears.

Heyo-ho! The drought of the past is enveloped by the flood of the first rain, forming the rivers and oceans. Heyo-ho! From the towering rocky peaks comes the roar of a great wind, sending the demons of the world fleeing as it rolls across the land.

According to ancient Chinese legend, Pangu, the creator of the earth, was asleep for 18,000 years, before rising to form the face of the landscape from the hairs on his head, and the great oceans from his blood, the first source of all the water of the world. The Yellow River soon begins to flow, its rushing torrents like a song echoing in vast and empty sky. On the riverbank, the goddess Nüwa created giant stones of all colors and used them to repair the holes in the sky, after which she formed the first humans from clay from the river basin. Imbuing her new creations with the gift of life, under the light of the moon, the first footprint is left upon the ground. On the opposite bank, Fuxi, the mythic first male in all creation, initiated the forces of yin and yang energy, and from the first seeds of wisdom and knowledge, began to compile the mankind’s first steps to self-awareness such as tying knots to track the passage of time.

After countless aeons, the world froze and thawed in succession, until one day, the earth finally wrenched open with a cataclysmic burst, clouds of steam bellowing from beneath the surface. It was after this that giant Kuafu strode over the jutting peaks of the mountains, forever leaving the marks of his footprints across the land as he chased the sun into the distance. Much later, the legendary emperor Yu the Great led his people as they battled with the torrential floods for 13 years, finally transformed the flood waters into the clouds in the sky, to forever soar above the land, never to harm them again.

A gust of wind picks up, carrying the Yellow Emperor’s gaze to the four corners of the earth, while conjuring the forces of nature to defeat his rival, Chiyou. Horses thunders across the dusky landscape. Long spears thrust up toward the evening sky in celebration of a successful hunt. This great battle resounds with the accomplishments of the first people of China, echoing throughout the star-scattered sky. Those who return triumphant have learned to create their eternal kingdom with blood and war horns. Heroes who have exchanged spear for spade cultivate stalks of wheat, and as they bring the harvest to the storehouse, sing songs of bounty and thanksgiving.

Our musical journey begins with China’s myth of creation, Pangu Separates Earth and Heaven, followed by the misadventures of Kuafu Chases the Sun, the ancient discourses recounted in Yao and Shun Discuss Morality, together with tales of the beauties, emperors, warriors, gods and goddesses enshrined in ancient lore that has become the foundation for the ancient civilization of China. Stories so powerful that they transcend time and are forever engraved on the hearts of the “Children of the Dragon”, the proud, ancient lineage first formed in the legend of Fuxi – Universal Harmony.

All the sorrows and troubles of the world gather silently to become the tears of Chang'e, the princess in the moon, falling to the earth as she weeps in memory over her estranged husband. The soft glow of the ever-patient moon shimmering on the back of a wild goose, as it takes flight into the chilly sky of early autumn morning to continue its endless journey.

More than six years in the making, Rhymoi producer Ye Yunchuan, together with NetEase CEOWilliam Ding present an extraordinary project, paying tribute to the very origins of Chinese civilization. Zhang Zhao’s epic, fantasy-filled score is brought to life in a stunning performance from over 100 Chinese and Western musicians. You will be transported to the fantastical realms of China’s mythic past, experiencing the hopes and dreams of the long forgotten kingdoms of ancient Asia. Master sound engineer Zhang Xiao’an personally oversaw the months of recording to insure the most vivid listening experience possible! Long celebrated for his passionate promotion of China’s musical culture, Ye Yunchuan has created his most magical and ambitious project to date – an extraordinary celebration of a great civilization’s timeless legacy to humanity, presented in a kaleidoscopic series of musical tableau that will immerse you in wonder and magic.

From the heat of the scorching sun to the lonesome snows of a starless night, the cycles of time unfold endlessly through the eons. Here, ‘Once Upon a Time’ is the eternal NOW, and all the ferocity and tranquility, the love and loss, the heroes and villains live on and enjoy life anew through the music on this extraordinary album, an ode to the creation of time and the world itself.


Pangu Separates Heaven and EarthISRC CN-A23-16-02311


A roar of thunder resounds in space as the earth surface cracks open. The first mountains appear and Pangu’s spine rising up into the void. He has been in slumber for 18,000 years, and has now awakened to divide all the yang energy into the heavens, and yin energy into the earth. The sky stretches above like the head of an enormous drum, echoing the crash of Pangu’s fists as they slam into the ground to mould the landscape. The ground rolls into the distance like the undulating intonations of an endless epic poem. The pipas lutes sound out, racing across the music’s texture like lightning; the crisp sound of the bamboo flutes rise straight for the heavens. Pangu stands tall above the massive egg/rock from which he came, the hair on his head falling to the ground to become the flora of the world, the blood coursing from his body become the rivers and streams. Behind his enormous body, the bright sun, round like the circle of life, offers its radiance to this newborn world.


Yao and Shun Discuss MoralityISRC CN-A23-16-02312



As the great emperors Yao and Shun discuss their views on morality, a lone bamboo flute can be heard playing. The path of life is filled with endless choices between joy and sorrow, happiness and regret. The only constant is that life constantly moves forward: the sun will rise once again and give way to the stars, and not even the moon has the answers to the questions which trouble us late into the night. This song features the penetrating, melancholic sound of the bamboo flute, it’s stark melody clearly reaching deep into our being, a solemn cello, and a gentle guqin, each instrument giving voice to the myriad of sentiments the human heart experiences in the course of a life.

The two legendary sage emperors Yao and Shun exchange ideas on the people, their rulers, the kingdom, and how to bring prosperity to all. If the right people are in place, then all the land shall know peace. While attaining that goal is an arduous path, all the people of the world wish for harmony.


Yu the Great Controls the FloodsISRC CN-A23-16-02313




The land is tormented by a chaos of floods, crashing across the landscape like a wild stallion, destroying everything in its path. The orchestra rises in a tumult of dissonance, portraying the chaos of the floods, a song prophesying the unfathomable power of nature.

Then at once,

All is still.

And there is silence throughout the world.

As the stars retreat and the sun climbs up from the horizon, a bronze bell breaks the tranquility, soon joined by an ocarina, known as a “Xun.” A panicked cry for help is heard from the distance, resonating through the deep, dark valley of the riverbed. Yu the Great leads his followers as they as they seek to tame the deadly floods, cleaving entire cliff faces to form new valleys, redirecting the flow of the rushing water to save those the torrents have not claimed. At war with the mountains and rivers themselves, like the stones and corals struggling against the ebb and tide of the sea, Yu and his “army” refuse to bend the knee even if it means their own lives. The script carved in bronze may appear cold and faded, but when faced with crisis, the music that arises from these etchings may be all that is needed to inspire us to carry on, as it has done for countless generations.


Chang’e Flies to the MoonISRC CN-A23-16-02314


Waxing and waning night by night, it carries forward like an indestructible wheel, shedding osmanthus flowers to the ground, and turning the blackest hair pure white. She awakes from a deep mid-night slumber, and in the pale glow, regards her countenance in a shallow pool, the dewdrops shimmering on her face like tears. The only sound here is the soft splash of flowers in the pool, as the osmanthus trees prepare to begin their new year. A bamboo flute sounds an aching beautiful melody, which is soon answered by the tender sound of the violin, sounding both seductive and hesitant, as if in search of something. The moon reflects the Celestial Palace in the night, while Chang’e looks on in silence, as solitary as the orb of night itself.


The War on ChiyouISRC CN-A23-16-02315



War drums thunder against the sky, and the blare of war horns chills to the bone. A cloud of dust fills the air, and a flock of hungry crows wait in anticipation for the battle’s “bounty.”

The hot sun beats down on the wheels of the war chariots, as banners storm across the barren landscape like a pack of hungry wolves. Their forces are more deadly than streaming hot lava, more powerful than a avalanche. They are the army of the Yellow Emperor, and they will not stop until Chiyou is defeated. Not only did this war decide the path of all history to come, it forever changed the face of every city on the central plains, leaving behind an epic story of incredible scale. The choir raise their voices to sing the praises of these brave warriors, men whose names will forever be written on the pages of China’s history. The battle rages on through fog and drought, the war robes covered in dust from the pursuit. The horse head fiddles sound out in eerie harmonics, in imitation of a battle cry in victory, while the orchestral invoke a remembrance of the many valiant swords who served the Yellow Emperor.


The Tears of XiangfeiISRCCN-A23-16-02316


Beneath the cold light of the waning moon, a column of smoke curls up toward the sky. Who is it who has stepped out into this dreamy autumn night, the cold dew penetrating to the bone? An excess of wisdom only brings melancholy, and feelings too deep can cut a lifetime short. Where once the Emperor Shun’s wives Ehuang and Nüying held each other in a loving embrace, now there are only endless tears. Their grief surges, like the wavering melody of the erhu, and tears of endless grief moisten the soil. The leaves of the bamboo thicket flutter slightly in the cool wind, a silent witness to their sorrow for all ages to come.


Nüwa Repairs the Sky ISRC CN-A23-16-02317


The mellow sound of the zhongruan lute fills the air like a warm mist, while the sheng – a mouth organ – invokes a blessing of clouds to weightless fill the sky. Their gentle sounds fall like rain, and rise up again. With her magical stones of five colors she restores the sky, creating life from the clay underfoot, her body supple yet powerful as she carries out her divine mission. When her labors were finished, once again, the sky was round and the earth was flat; spring became gentle, summer hot, autumn gloomy, and winter a season of closure. The liuqin lute gently rustles, like an evening breeze, recounting the Goddess’ story for the ages. She is the mother of Chinese civilization, and this song sings the praises of her determination, her love for her children, and her reverence for the gift of life.


The Peach BanquetISRC CN-A23-16-02318



According to legend, Xi Wangmu the Queen Mother of the West was born on the third day of the third month, so every year at this time she holds a grand Peach Banquet at the Jade Pool, inviting all the other deities and celestials to celebrate her longevity. The pipa and banhu banter and spar like a pair of playful monkeys, encouraged by joyful whoops from a bones whistle, clattering wooden temple blocks and clashing cymbals. Anyone lucky enough to eat one would outlive all the things on Heaven and Earth and become imbued with mystical powers that shine through the sun and the moon.

As the banquet reaches its climax within her palace on the mythological Mount Kunlun, the gods and celestials bask in the generosity and wisdom of the Queen Mother, and celebrate her birthday - the most extravagant banquet in her palace of jade– while enjoying her flower-filled courtyard, or watching the fish leaping from the Lake of Jewels, laughing cheerfully as the music plays.


Kuafu Chases the SunISRC CN-A23-16-02319


Every drop of water on the land seeks to make its way toward the greatest lakes and mightiest oceans; every moth in the sky flutters toward the brightest light. “I must continue my pursuit, even though my skin will dry up like mud bricks in an oven. I must continue my pursuit, my endless struggle to catch the sun, then the plants could grow forever, and it would always be warm. I would never have to sleep again. The wind howls in my ears, the light taunts me always one step beyond my reach. I must continue my pursuit with the last measure of my strength; even my determination has even found favour with the gods. I am so close, close enough to embrace the sun. I can reach my arms and… but I am now so tired. I lack the strength and I am so thirsty. Even if I fail in my pursuit, my determination and persistence will not be forgotten and live on to inspire the greatest epic tale ever imagined.”


The Goddess of the Luo RiverISRC CN-A23-16-02320


A graceful tune on the guitar-like zhongruan is heard, like a swan taking flight – a delicate portrait tracing an outline of the peerless beauty, MiFei when she first appeared on the bank of the Luo River – a vision as lovely as if the clouds had parted from the moon for the first time. The zhongruan’s melodies flow straight to the heart, filling one’s dreams with of flowers with the most seductive fragrances, their petals dropping to the ground like snow. Because she was very fascinated with the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Luo River, Lady Mi descended onto the Luo River basin where the brave YouLou clan resided. There she mingled among the industrious folks and taught them how to create nets, fish as well as the skills of hunting, livestock-raising and. From her lips comes a song as sweet as no other – as heard in the lyric episode for cello and bamboo flute, and if in a flash, centuries have passed.


Fuxi – Ultimate HarmonyISRC CN-A23-16-02321


The clear and timeless sound of the bronze and stone chimes pay tribute to the ancestors, whose exemplary lives span the thousands of years of Chinese civilization. In a duo that embraces ancient and modern, East and West, the piano and guqin zither – an instrument said to have been invented by Fuxi - sound a dignified melody for all ages, calling and all living beings in the land to come together as one. Back in the earliest mists of recorded history, over four thousand years ago, China was ruled by its very first dynasties: the mythical Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. They ruled between about 2852 and 2070 BCE, before the time of the Xia Dynasty. The greatest of the Three Sovereigns, and king of all kings was Fuxi, with his heart as broad as the oceans and wisdom as ancient as the stars. Through his love for man, he established marriage uniting man and wife, regulated the five stages of change, and laid down the laws of humanity; an epic story that forever shaped the land upon which we roam, which we will always call our home, where we will always belong.





About the Composer: Zhang Zhao

Zhang Zhao is among the most prolific contemporary Chinese composers, currently signed to world-renowned German music publisher Schott, as well as a professor at the Academy of Music of Minzu University of China. He was the first Chinese composer to have his work, (Jingpo Folksong), chosen by the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music as an official audition selection. He has been invited to create works for many well-known musicians, including Sheng Zhongguo, Langlang, Li Yundi and Han Lei.

Zhang Zhao was born in Yunnan, China, and growing up in the Ailao mountain region of southern Yunnan for 14 years, during which time he received much exposure to local folk music. Since his youth he has had a love for art, poetry and calligraphy. He began learning the piano at the age of seven, and when he was 11 years old he began studying composition with his father Zhang Nan. In 1987 he graduated from the Academy of Music of Minzu University of China with a double major in composition and piano. In 1998 he graduated with honors from his postgraduate studies at the Academy of Composition of the China Central Conservatory of music.

Zhang Zhao seeks to achieve a musical style that naturally fuses ethnic sounds with his own imagination. He has received numerous awards, including the Golden Bell Award, Wenhua Award, Five Ones Project Award, as well as many more for international competitions held in the US, Japan and Oceania. His compositions have been included in ABC Radio Australia’s “Unparalleled Contemporary Works”, as well as Chinese Orchestral Music Exposition, Chinese Music Centennial Collection and Centennial Classics of Chinese Piano Solo Works. His representative works include String Quartet: Totem, the piano piece Pihuang, Three Mountain Songs of Southern Yunnan and Chinese Dream, concertos for piano (Ailao Rhapsody), erhu (Song of the Sun, liuqin (Bronze Music for Dance), a large-scale orchestral work (Harmony of Seven Colors), music for the dance (Memories of the Grasslands), choral music (Spring Has Arrived), and live action animated stage play Border Town. He has also scored for film and television, including music for Flower Girl, Lotus Lantern, DongfangShuo, A Pair of Phoenixes, and Song of 49 Suns.


中国录音师协会会员。1988 - 1990 入中国北京广播学院录音艺术系学习,1981 至今担任中国唱片总公司录音技术部录音工程师。


About the Sound Engineer:

Zhang Xiao’an is a member of the China Recording Artists Association. From 1988 to 1990 he studied at the Musical Arts Faculty of the Beijing Broadcasting Academy, and from 1981 to the present he has served as a recording engineer at the China Record Corporation Recording Technology Department.

In 1987 Zhang was a presenter at a nation-wide recording technology conference held in part by the Central People’s Broadcasting Station, the Broadcasting and Television Department Science and Technology Committee, the Electro-Acoustics Professional Committee, the Acoustical Society of China, and the Beijing Institute of Electronics. Zhang’s report was titled “My Experiences with Multichannel Recording”, and was met with wide critical acclaim from fellow experts in the field, leading to its publication in Audio Engineering magazine the following year. In 1992, Zhang participated in a technological exchange event hosted by the Central Broadcasting Station and attended by representatives of various stations from throughout China, where he shared his experiences during the multichannel recording sessions of songs such as Nothing to My Name and Home Again Without You. In 1996 he participated in a recording technology conference hosted by the National Recording Artists Association, where he gave a speech titled “Multichannel Recording and Production”. The draft of his speech was included in the Beijing Broadcasting Institute’s multimedia publication The Complete Guide to Chinese Recording Arts.




About the Producer:

Ye Yunchuan, Producer, composer, arranger, graphic designer, Grammy member, and the founder of one of China’s most prestigious audiophile recording labels, Rhymoi Music, Ye Yunchuan is further distinguished as the first Full Voting Member of the American Grammy Awards (The National Academy for Recording Arts and Science – NARAS) representing the Chinese music industry. He is, without any question, one of the rising stars in China’s growing music industry. Prior to his current activities, Ye established an international reputation, as a composer and producer, being awarded several American Independent Music Awards, Chinese Golden Album Awards, numerous rave reviews in CD Bible (China) in addition to being included on China City Radio Association’s “Ten Hottest Albums” roundup. Years of cooperation with international music production and publication circles has provided him with a truly global perspective. As founder of his own recording label, Rhymoi Music, he is committed to establishing new standards of excellence for recorded music in China. Rhymoi Music recordings are immediately identifiable - with their innovative approaches to programming, world-class musical and artistic standards, beauty of presentation and packaging, cultural relevance, and their conscious desire to introduce the treasures of Chinese music to an international audience - Rhymoi Music is without peer. With his deep commitment to the traditions and national music of his homeland, Ye Yunchuan is committed to building new and ever more creative and beautiful bridges between the musical heritage of China and the musical traditions of the world. Ye Yunchuancontinues to realize his vision with each new recording.




古筝:常静 丁雪儿

琵琶:董晓琳 于源春 孙晶


笛、箫、埙:丁晓逵 李乐

阮:邸琳 赵玥

唢呐:王荣飞 姚笛 尚帅

柳琴:邸扬 潘玥辰








铜管组:秦国臣 赵欣 贾辉 米奇

木管组:曹蕾 杨艺林 谢红亮 任彪


打击乐:张仰胜 田薇



和声:孙黎 阿朵 申莞蜻 王宁馨 李玥 赵晨 李鹏 靳锐 樊竹青 王英姿 黄琬婷




The performers:

Qin: Zhao Jiazhen

Erhu: Wang Ying

Guzheng: Chang Jing /Ding Xueer

Pipa: Dong Xiaolin /Yu Yuanchun /Sun Jing

Chinese Harp: Wu Lin

Di /Xiao/Xun: Ding Xiaokui /Li Yue

Ruan: Di Lin /Zhao Yue

Suona: Wang Rongfei /Yao Di /Shang Shuai

Liuqin: Di Yang / Pan Yuechen

Yangqin: Wang YuJue

Hansheng: Shan Chunshen

Lusheng: Yang Shengwen

Khoomei:Li Wenbin

Morin Khuur: Hasibagen

Violin: Zhao Kunyu

Cello: Yang Changying

Brass: Qin Guochen / Zhao Xin /Jia Hui /Mi Qi

Woodwinds: Cao Lei /Yang Yilin /Xie Hongliang /Ren Biao

Harp: Zhang Xiaoyin

Percussion: Zhang Yangsheng /Tian Wei

Piano: Zhang Zhao

Music Assistant:Li Yongmin

Harmony: Sun Li /A Duo /Shen Wanqing /Wang Ningxin /Li Yue /Zhao Chen /Li Peng /Jin Rui /Fan Zhuqing /Wang Yingzi /Huang Wanting

Children Chorus: Li Muyao and other eight singers

Chorus: China National Symphony Orchestra Cao Yaqin and other thirty-six singers

String Orchestra: China National Symphony Orchestra & China Philharmonic Orchestra twenty-five performers


出品/监制:丁磊 叶云川







英文文案:Joshua Cheek Nicholas Angiers








后期制作统筹:唐舒岩 曾潇娴



105D 蓝光播放机

Sonica Wi-Fi音箱

PM-2 平面振膜耳机


Production crew:

Producer: William Ding/Ye Yunchuan

Executive Producer: Ye Yunchuan

Composer:Zhang Zhao

Recording Engineer /Mixing: Zhang Xiao’an

Recording Assistants: Yuan Lijun

Production Coordinator: Li Jiang

Marketing Coordinators: Liu Jun/Zhang Wei

Chinese Copywriter: DongXiaqingqing

English Copywriter: Joshua Cheek /Nicholas Angiers

Recording Outtakes Photography: Xiao Ye

Insert design: Zhang Hongke

Publicity Assistants: He Yiran

Publishing Assistants:Chen Ni

Art Coordinator: Velin

Media Assistants:Xu Luyun

Post Production Assistant: Tang Shuyan /Zeng Xiaoxian

Recording Studio: China Record Studio

Monitoring device:OPPO Audio and video products

105D Blu-ray player

Sonica Wi-Fi Speakers

PM-2 Flat diaphragm headphones

Produced by: Rhymoi Music. Co., Ltd

Produced by Rhymoi Music. Co., Ltdwww.rhymoi.com

Email: rhymoi163@163.com Tel: 86-10-84831327



1.盘古开天Pangu Separates Heaven and Earth 6:50

2.尧舜论道Yao and Shun Discuss Morality5:54

3.大禹治水Yu the Great Controls the Floods5:03

4.嫦娥奔月Chang’e Flies to the Moon5:36

5.战蚩尤The War on Chiyou6:55

6.湘妃泪The Tears of Xiangfei5:49

7.女娲补天Nüwa Repairs the Sky 5:25

8.蟠桃会喜宴The Peach Banquet3:26

9.夸父逐日Kuafu Chases the Sun6:12

10.洛神The Goddess of the Luo River6:07

11.伏羲颂Fuxi – Ultimate Harmony7:02
