Coming Home(Steve Rocks Rework)

Coming Home(Steve Rocks Rework)


歌手:Steve Rocks









原创全英文EDM单曲《Coming Home》,是由电音制作人/DJ Steve Rocks(史蒂夫







原创全英文EDM单曲《Coming Home》,是由电音制作人/DJ Steve Rocks(史蒂夫)在2019年作为给父亲的生日礼物首版发行的。就像一部带有童趣色彩的人物小传,如同德国漫画家埃·奥·卜劳恩笔下所呈现的《父与子》一般——只不过心存柔情与关怀的角色从父亲换成了已长大成年的儿子。

歌曲的前半部分诉说着主人公腼腆也叛逆的青少年时光,概述了成年后的他为理想奔向未知远方的经历;在歌曲后半部分,主人公开始了对父爱的回溯——正是父亲那充满隐忍的爱,塑造出了一个一腔闯荡热血、天性桀骜浪漫的主人公。重复吟唱的歌词:“…And life’s nothing but a simple song, don’t worry daddy I’m coming home. (生命不过是首简单的歌,别担心老爸,我这就回家) ”。仿佛是一种幸福的轮回,通过EDM Progressive House的律动节奏,别样道尽父与子之情。

由国人电音才子Steve Rocks(史蒂夫)一手包办词、曲、演唱、编曲、录音、制作和混音的《Coming Home》在2020年8月17日迎来了它全新的舞曲版本:《Coming Home (Steve Rocks Rework) 》,新版本表达出更多的童趣色彩;轻快与活泼,弱化了EDM舞曲中通常强烈的drops,这也是他借鉴了自己的音乐偶像——已故瑞典电音制作人Avicii的编曲元素、向其致敬的作品。新版《Coming Home (Steve Rocks Rework)》如同一股清流,在已然沉重的2020年夏日带来一丝轻松:如孩童般天真浪漫,以及对未来更多的期望。

The electronic music piece "Coming Home" was created by trance & progressive producer and DJ Steve Rocks. It was first released in 2019 as a birthday present for his father. That song was like a biography with childish flavor, just like the car-toon “Vater und Sohn” created by E.O.Plauen, but the role of tenderness and care is changed from “The Father” to the grown-up son.

In the first part of the song, it tells the protagonist's shy and rebellious youth time, and summarizes his adult experience of running far away from home. In the second part of the song, the protagonist begins to trace his father's love, that is, his father's love is full of forbearance, which creates a protagonist who is full of passion, rebellious and romantic in nature. And the repeated lyrics are as follows: " and life's nothing but a simple song, don't worry daddy I'm coming home. " This seems to be a kind of happy reincarnation.

With its lyrics, singing, composition, recording, production and mixing all around by Steve Rocks, the new dance version of "Coming Home (Steve Rocks Rework)” will release on August 17, 2020. In this version, it expresses more childlike color, light and lively. It is also a work that Steve draws on and pays homage to his music idol Avicii, the late Swedish EDM producer. The new version of "Coming Home” is like a clean stream. Also, it brings a bit of relief in the already pathetic summer of 2020, that is, childlike innocence and romance, and more expectations for the future.