Old Canvas

Old Canvas


歌手:The fin.



The fin的“Old Canvas”,这是他们新专辑中的第 4 首单曲,新专辑将于 2021 年秋季发行。新单曲再次由Yuto Uchino完全自行制作和混音,并由音响工程界的知名人士斯蒂芬·马库森(曾经合作过Stevie Wonder、Prince、滚石乐队、红辣椒乐队等)担任母带的后期处理。

The fin的“Old Canvas”,这是他们新专辑中的第 4 首单曲,新专辑将于 2021 年秋季发行。新单曲再次由Yuto Uchino完全自行制作和混音,并由音响工程界的知名人士斯蒂芬·马库森(曾经合作过Stevie Wonder、Prince、滚石乐队、红辣椒乐队等)担任母带的后期处理。这首歌以伦敦音乐家 Tomo Carter 强大而紧凑的鼓为特色。

On July 9th,Indie project The fin. share "Old Canvas", the 4th single out of their new album, set for release in Autumn 2021.

The new single is once again fully self-produced and self-mixed by Yuto Uchino, and mastered by Stephen Marcussen, a major name in the sound engineering industry (Stevie Wonder, Prince, The Rollling Stones, Red Hot Chili Peppers and more).

The song features the powerful and tight drums of Tomo Carter, London-based musician lending his performing skills to numerous artists of the global scene, including The fin. who he played with on several international tours and festivals.

In "Old Canvas", inspired by an impressionist painting from his childhood, Yuto Uchino writes about the rediscovery of old feelings it triggered, and the coexistence between his young self and his current one.


Comment by Yuto Uchino


I got inspired by a memory of an old painting at my parents place (it’s kind of an impressionism style painting.)

I used to imagine me having fun in the painting, as if the painting world actually existed, when I was a kid.

And somehow it turned out to be a song about coexistence between my old self and my current one.

When I was writing the lyrics, I had the sensation that I rediscovered an old version of myself and that it was talking to me.
